Can We.get Colorado Without.a Tail Light Cover
It's the sight we all dread: a police car with lights flashing in our rearview mirror. While our thoughts often turn to whether we were speeding when this occurs, it's also possible to get pulled over for minor mechanical issues.
Thankfully, drivers in one Colorado city have less to worry about these days when it comes to getting a busted tail light ticket or similar violations. That's because cops in Denver have teamed up with the corporate world to offer a novel approach to dealing with broken tail lights or headlights.
Instead of tail light tickets, police in Denver, Colorado are offering gift cards to get cars fixed.
Denver police give gift cards instead of tail light tickets
Functioning tail lights are extremely important because they're our best defense against rear-end accidents. Headlights, of course, help us see where we're going at night or in the fog, which is equally important for avoiding accidents.
Often, when a driver is pulled over for such an issue, police will issue a fine or a "fix-it" ticket, requiring the driver to address the problem as soon as possible.
That's not the case these days in Denver, however. KNWA reports that police are going one step further to help motorists get their cars fixed without giving fines or tickets—gift certificates.
That's right. Denver police are giving $25 gift certificates to Advance Auto Parts to 100 drivers with "minor vehicle safety issues." The store is providing the police department with the gift cards.
Denver Police Chief Paul Pazen explained when making the announcement of the program: "Working together is how we create stronger communities, and stronger communities are safer communities."
The problem with failing tail lights
The best way to avoid getting pulled over for a failing or broken tail light, in Denver or anywhere, is to keep an on eye your lights regularly and perform maintenance as needed.
One thing to watch is your tail light lens—the red covering that goes over the light bulb in your taillight. The red covering is what gives your brake lights the color they need to attract the attention of the driver behind you.
Should that cover become broken, your brake lights will appear white. This will likely confuse those following you and could end up causing a rear-end collision.
Moreover, if your brake light cover is cracked or broken, water can seep into the light itself, causing a short. Thus, it's very important to check both the cover and the bulb itself regularly to make sure that everything is in order.
It's always better to avoid a tail light ticket
Denver drivers who receive one of the $25 gift cards can count their blessings in several ways. They get a few bucks to get their car fixed, and also avoid a ticket.
Depending on how bad the damage is, your car insurance may cover a broken headlight or tail light. The best thing to do is make sure you have adequate coverage before a problem occurs.
Luckily, Jerry can help.
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Can We.get Colorado Without.a Tail Light Cover